wang shizhong meaning in Chinese
- Wang shizhong , yu qiquan
王世忠,俞启全 - With many talent personnel gathering together , the company formed areasonable group backbone structure of " the old , middle and young " . the senior engineer wang shizhong , general technology director of the company , is a national expert indulging in rectifier transformer researching for more than 50years , who enjoys the governmental allowance from department of state . having designed many large rectifier transformers for electrolysis , wanghas special views to the designing and manufacturing draft of rectifier transformer as well as excellent technological skills , and has been recognized as one of the top experts in rectifier transformer field
国内的6个电炉变压器行业标准均由我公司为主起草的,计电弧炉变压器jb t9640 - 1999埋弧炉变压器总则jb t5344 . 1 - 2004电石炉变压器技术参数和要求jb t6303 - 2004黄磷炉变压器技术参数和要求jb t8506 - 2006电渣炉变压器jb t8447 - 2006钢包精炼炉变压器jb t10429 - 2004等。